Ghost Bats are under serious threat. This highlights a huge issue that the human race has in the fight against climate change. Entitlement. We must change our attitudes on land ownership. We must challenge the big five world agribusinesses.

Five large multinationals dominate the agricultural value chain: Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), Bunge, Cargill, China Oil and Foodstuffs Corporation (COFCO) and Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC).

The article below tells you all you need to know about how self interested land owners think they an do what they like with the land.

Not Another Ghost – Surely This Has To Stop . . .

When are the human race going to stop and think about their actions?

Ghost Bats at roost

Ghost Bats at roost

We need to reach a point where removal of any trees any where on our precious world is treated as a crime against humanity, a war crime. It is that serious. This habitat cannot be replaced or moved or offset with some carbon credits.

The proposal is to clear 6000 Hectares of forest in the Northern Territory. Australia’s environment minister is Tanya Plibersek. She is doing nothing to prevent this.

How do we save Ghost Bats?

Education. The Australian government must stop landowners behaving like this. Join us at Earth and Leaf. We will contact both the landowner and the Australian government.

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