What is Earth and Leaf

What is Earth and Leaf? It is an education hub for sustainability of our planet and food systems.

Learn here how your actions as individuals or as a community will affect our world with better energy use and sustainable food systems. We have to end global warming very soon. It is essential that we reverse Biodiversity loss. Otherwise the consequences are dire.

Membership Benefits

  • Access to our Blog
  • Regular Newsletters
  • Learn about global warming and climate change
    • Improving your diet
    • Using less energy
    • Helping out nature
    • Help developing a new economics
  • Support our farming community through Shepherds of the Trees
  • Serialisation of the book – “To Leave something Behind”

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The History of Earth and Leaf

Earth and Leaf started with a book, “To Leave Something Behind”.

“I started writing about agriculture, the environment and global warming and as the book developed I told friends and colleagues. I was a little surprised by their response and encouragement. I was urged to get it finished by an academic colleague. So I started to take it seriously and really enjoyed doing so.

Fast forward a few months and a theme starts to build. One particular idea is forming out of my work. Effectively the project is a vehicle to help upland farmers restore our depleted UK nature and make their farms sustainable. That project is Earth and Leaf.”

Iain J Dunn

Meanwhile many books have been written or are being written about global warming and sustainability. Furthermore there are none from the farming perspective.

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