Our Earth and Leaf world explained – a very warm welcome to our project. If you like what you see you can sign up for our email alerts and newsletters. When we post something we think might be interested in we will let you know !

Become a member of the Earth and Leaf community to gain a much better understanding of global warming and climate change. Then you can learn what we can do to reverse these processes. At the heart of this project is our book, this will be serialised here.

At the heart of our project is agriculture. We must support our farming community in this period of change. We must all change but no community needs to adapt more than farmers. This will reverse global warming effects and increase Biodiversity.

All of the current research shows that improving biodiversity locks up vast amounts of carbon.

Here is a quotation that really sets the scene for our mission:


“Now Ive seen so much of the natural world that I cherish destroyed, that it’s difficult not to be pessimistic, but ironically, when I go searching for home, I don’t turn to those planetary forces, I turn to the power of humanity. Because for all of our flaws, all of our foolishness, we are a truly remarkable species; adaptable, resourceful, inventive, intelligent, creative. And you might argue that our most significant turning points were perhaps standing up on two legs and beginning to walk or drawing those animals on the cave walls, or inventing farming, or even landing on the moon: but I need to argue that these were just our dress rehearsals. because in the very near future our species will need to reach the zenith of its’ achievements and that all humanity will have to learn to put our earth first. That unique fragile beautiful earth that for more than four billion years has been forming this stage on which we now stand and it’s waiting for our finest performance. And if we don’t pull it off then of course life on this planet will continue to prosper, but there will be no encore for humanity.”

Chris Packham, Earth, 2023

Click here to learn about Earth and Leaf Membership

Earth, presented and co-written by Chris Packham is a must watch for everyone. It was on the BBC last year, search for it on the iplayer or just click here!

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