Your editorial on nature-friendly farming (12 August) rightly points out that a reduction in meat and dairy consumption is the most effective way to provide food security while protecting nature and biodiversity, and curbing emissions. There’s ample evidence that more food can be produced on less land if crops feed people directly, rather than farmed animals. What’s missing so far is the necessary leadership to effect change. The Conservative government failed to take up the national food strategy recommendation of a 30% reduction in meat and dairy production by 2030 or to follow the Climate Change Committee’s advice to reduce meat consumption by 35% by 2050. Well done to those councils, most recently Calderdale in West Yorkshire, that have passed motions to lead the way on this.

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Categories: All Categories, Economics, Education, Energy, Farming, Food, Science, Sustainability
Tags: Climate Policy, Food
Author: Linda Newbery, Richard Harvey